Wishing you a successful mating

There was a significant range in our clients’ mating performance last season and, despite the reduced use of CIDR’s, the mating results actually showed a slight improvement - as they did right across the country. Nevertheless, there are still gaps in most mating programmes that can always be improved upon. Here are some of the basics to focus on: 

Attention to detail 

  • Dedicated heat detection and monitoring (experience counts here); 

  • Accurate execution of synchronisation protocols;  

  • Proper and sanitary administration of product. 

Well researched tools 

  • Avoid products that lack scientific basis; 

  • Choose reproductive tools with a proven track record (CIDR’s, wearables). 

Early non-cycler identification 

  • Monitor premating heats;  

  • Move quickly for intervention; 

  • Non-cyclers can lead to lost milk and higher cull rates, reducing herd longevity. 

Proper nutrition and management 

  • Ensure cows are well transitioned into calving; 

  • Minimise condition loss – lighter cows have a lesser chance of getting in-calf; 

  • Reduce stress into calving, particularly on the younger cows; 

  • Update the feed budget to ensure all cows are fully fed; 

  • Focus on pasture management to optimise energy in the grass; 

  • Ensure trace elements are balanced;  

  • Up to date disease protection - keep the vaccination programme current to protect against reproductive disease and abortion risk (e.g. BVD). 


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