Mastatest and HiSCC in early lactation

Reducing mastitis in the colostrum herd is key to preventing future mastitis cases in the milking herd. Wash teats, if they are dirty, with a low-pressure hose. Teat spray colostrum cows before and after milking to kill bugs, improve teat condition, and assist milk let down. Strip quarters to check for mastitis at every milking.  

Agrihealth recommends: 

  • Rapid Mastitis Test (RMT) each cow at the eighth milking after calving (10th milking for heifers); 

  • If any quarter is RMT positive, retain the cow in the colostrum mob for another four milkings; 

  • If the RMT reaction gets worse, or if it is still positive on the 12th milking, take a sterile milk sample and, ideally, test the milk to identify the bacteria with Mastatest HiSCC test.

Mastatest clinical cartridge recommendations: 

Mastatest HiSCC cartridge recommendations in early lactation: 


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